Code of Conduct

This version was updated: 2025-01-22

This code of conduct applies to all Lime’s employees, suppliers and partners. It gives a fair overview of what we stand for as a company – our vision, values, policies and ethical principles – and sets out the standards for interaction between employees and customers, as well as Lime’s relation to stakeholders, competitors and the society as a whole.

We are a high performing and caring group of people who spread customer love. Accordingly, we should always be a role model in how a good company is run – by great values rather than strict rules. All people in connection with Lime should be proud of how we act as a company. We aim to bring great value to our customers, colleagues, owners, and the society.

Ethics are fundamentally about what actions we consider right and how we should act. At Lime, the laws and regulations applying in the countries where we operate are the obvious starting point, but often this is not enough and we have higher ambitions.

We have a clear aim in terms of ethics: zero ethical breaches. For example, we do not tolerate any form of corruption, inducement, bribery and other actions that limit competition, nor discrimination, harassment or unnecessary environmental impact. We always treat other people the same way as we would like to be treated ourselves.

Why do we run Lime in the first place? Exceeding customers’ expectations

Everything starts with us, a group of high-performing and caring people who spread customer love. Our goal is to help companies become brilliant at sales and customer care, so they in turn can help their customers in an outstanding way. If we succeed in this, we are not only making our customers successful, but also the life as an end customer much easier.

The essence of Lime is summed up in what we call our Why & We statements.

Why statement

We go all-in to create a world where every customer experience exceeds expectations, making customers’ lives easier through spot-on software and on point expertise.

We statement

We are a high performing and caring group of people who spread customer love.

Our core values – what make us Lime

We are a company run by values rather than strict rules. Lime’s core values are summarised in our coat of arms, and all employees are recruited in the light of these.

Customers first

Everything we do begins with our customers. Without them, there is no Lime. That means we prioritise our customers‘ needs and keep them at the center of every decision we make. We go the extra mile to ensure our customers are successful and willing to recommend us to others.

Get it done

Speed is our recipe for winning. Sometimes we make mistakes, but it’s better to act fast than to hesitate. We take responsibility from start to finish – not just for our own tasks, but for the entire company. We take initiative, we learn by doing, and make sure we finish what we started. When challenges arise, we don’t wait – we roll up our sleeves and get shit done.

Keep it simple

Simple is better. We are easy to work with, our products are user-friendly, we make complex things easy, and we communicate in a way that everyone understands.

Don’t break the chain

We are one team with the same goal: to make our customers successful. We win and lose together. If challenges arise, we don´t point fingers, we fix the issue at hand and always lend a hand to colleagues in need. We meet and greet all people with respect and kindness.

Human rights & equal opportunities for all

We share the same core values, as guiding principles that allow us to strive towards the same vision and make sure we don’t break the chain. Linked by that common ground, we are free to be whomever we choose to be – to act, think, be and live in our own way.

We acknowledge each individual’s human rights and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, sex, age, social status, family origin, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, nor will we commit other violations of human rights.

As a fast-growing innovation company, we are dependent on attracting competent people who contribute with a range of backgrounds and perspectives. Accordingly, we are working actively to achieve a gender-equal and diversified organisation in general and in decision-making posts in particular. Our overall objective is to achieve the adopted gender equality target range of 40 – 60% distribution of men and women employees, in the entire organisation, including the Management Team and the Board of Directors.

Read more in our Sustainability reports and (for internal use) the Equal Treatment Plan.

Human rights
“We respect and work hard upholding each individual’s human rights.”

Work environment

All recruitments are done with a long-term perspective and our offices should feel like a second home. We do our utmost to ensure that they represent a comfortable, caring, open and warm office. Everyone should feel welcome.

We value a meaningful time both on and off work hours and understand the importance of rest, reasonable work hours and beneficial employee contracts. We encourage an active and healthy lifestyle and support activities such as lunch workouts and conferences with a healthy content. Breaks are mandatory and all refreshments are free.

It is important for us to maintain a pleasant and safe work environment, both physically and psychological. As an employee, you should always be able to demonstrate good judgment, which means that you should never be under the influence of alcohol or other drugs while performing work related tasks. This also applies to residual influence, i.e. “the morning after”.

It is also important for us to work proactively and prevent any health problems related to alcohol and other drugs. We work for a non-smoking Lime and offer help to stop smoking to everyone in the organisation that do smoke.

For employees at Lime, more details are to be found in our Alcohol & Drug policy and the Work environment policy.

Work environment
“Our offices should feel like a second home.”

Positive impact on society

We strive to be good corporate citizens. That means that we are required to be aware of social concerns and environmental interests. It’s important to behave according to our core values and in a socially and ethically responsible manner.

Besides supporting different projects and organisations through yearly donations, we also help non-profit organisations to increase their results and reach more people, via discounted access to our products and expertise.

Innovation and technological progress are decisive factors in solving both economic and environmental challenges in a sustainable way. We aim to promote this development by sharing our expertise in digitalisation, enterprise and entrepreneurship in different forums and organisations.

Read more in our Sustainability reports.

“We help non-profit organizations increase their results and reach more people, via discounted access to our products and expertise”

Environment & climate

As a service company, Lime’s core business has a limited, direct impact on the environment and climate through its own production or supply chains. We therefore place all the more emphasis on those areas where we can actually minimize our negative impact and make measurable, positive contributions that make a real difference.

We invest in…

  • prolonging the life and recycling technologies
  • reduced electricity consumption due to data storage
  • electricity and hybrid company cars
  • solar parks
  • climate-smart contracts with energy suppliers, cleaning companies etc.

We live by the principle of ‘Spending Resources Wisely’ by…

  • travelling in a responsible way as we plan and coordinate travels and transportation with minimal impact on the environment, encouraging travelling with train.
  • having a waste management practice that promote reductions and recycling, including re-use, where applicable. When waste is unavoidable, we ensure it is disposed properly.
  • minimizing all paper usage in the office and use electronic storage instead.
  • turning off electrical machines and lights that are not in use.
  • validating whether a purchase should be made at all or if there is a more sustainable alternative.
  • preferring quality goods that have a long lifetime, can be repaired and/or has a good secondhand value.
  • reducing unnecessary transport of goods and choosing environmentally friendly shipping methods (e.g. sending goods for other offices with coworkers travelling between offices).

Read more in our Sustainability reports, and for internal use; Travel Guidelines and Purchasing and procurement policy.

„We live by the principle of ‘Spending Resources Wisely’“

Confidentiality & Communication

We pay particular attention to ensure that confidential information is protected and not disclosed to unauthorized parties.

At Lime the CEO or a person appointed by the CEO, is the official spokesperson. This means all communications regarding revenues, future products, pricing decisions, unannounced financial results or similar matters may only be communicated by that person. Once the communication is official and posted, everybody is free, and encouraged, to share it.

When communicating as an employee at Lime on e.g social media be aware that the content is consistent with our core values, brand and how you wish to present yourself with customers and colleagues.

More details about what we may say, to whom, and when are available in the Information Policy and Insider Policy.

Silent period

No Lime employees can buy or sell shares in Lime 30 days prior to our reporting dates (the silent period). The dates can be found at the Investor Relations site.

Personal data & GDPR

We follow the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and have great respect for the individual to whom the personal data apply.

  • We only handle personal data on direct order from our employees, customers, suppliers and partners.
  • We only handle personal data for the purpose specified and according to instructions given to us.
  • We never disclose personal data to third parties without approval.
  • We shall have a high level of security, including privacy, secrecy, integrity and availability to personal data.

For employees at Lime, more information about GDPR is to be found at Lime Prime.

Personal data
“We have great respect for the individual to whom the personal data

Competition, corruption & bribery

We compete tough but fair. We will never waive on ethics nor responsibility and we comply with the anti-trust and competition laws in each market where we operate.

  • We do not enter or initiate any unlawful forms of anti-competitive agreements.
  • We use honest methods in our dealings with customers, suppliers and other partners.
  • We do not use our position, role or corporate information, or act in any way contrary to our corporate obligations, to seek or gain benefits for ourselves, our relatives, our friends or other third parties.

The occurrence of bribery and unwarranted influence is a serious threat to fairness and transparency in purchasing and procurement. Therefore, Lime has zero tolerance for bribes in whatever form they occur. Relationship building activities that will not impact our integrity or business decisions may occur in the following form:

  • Customary business hospitality, e.g., meals or entertainment, can be accepted from existing suppliers provided the market value of such offers are kept at a reasonable level. The only reason to accept these offers from suppliers is to develop and strengthen the relationship with suppliers, therefore representatives from both parties must be present at the actual event.
  • Gifts from potential or existing suppliers may be accepted occasionally given that the market value of the gift is trivial (coffee mugs, notebooks, or other type of trivial giveaways). Employees at Lime must in all other cases exercise the utmost discretion about accepting gifts, and if there could be any suggestion of impropriety accepting a gift, the offer should be politely refused

“We compete with our competitors tough but fair.”

Accounting & taxes

Lime is responsible for complying with strict accounting principles and standards, reporting financial information in a correct and complete manner. We also have appropriate internal control functions and processes to ensure that bookkeeping and financial reporting comply with laws and regulations.

Monitoring and reporting

Acting in conflict with our Code of conduct is not acceptable. Non-compliance may be an indication of lack of insight and understanding, and will therefore always be a subject for dialogue between the individual and the relevant manager. Based on the seriousness of the non-compliance, appropriate action will be taken.

If any person suspects or identify any non-compliance with our Code of Conduct or any legal violation, they are encouraged to report this via the Whistleblower function. Read more about transparency and how to report in the Whistleblower Policy or (for internal use) the more basic version Whistleblowing at Lime – in a nutshell.

To ensure we follow our Code of conduct:

  • We communicate this Code of conduct to employees, suppliers and partners.
  • We monitor how we are doing as employees on a weekly basis by using an Employee engagement software. This also allows employees to communicate feedback anonymously on a regular basis.
  • We award the employees who do great things according to our core values and Code of conduct, at our own Oscars ceremony (named Loscar).
  • We recruit people that share the same values and can stand up for this Code of Conduct.
  • The Code of Conduct should be reviewed and updated on a regular basis to ensure inclusion of new policies and guidelines.

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