StartInsightsArticlesThis is our Customer Service Solution

Support for the modern customer – and the modern business

Did you know that just one bad customer experience is enough for over half of customers to consider switching to a competing company?*

Today’s consumers have a wide range of companies to choose from, making the threshold for switching to your competitor almost non-existent. We love creating customer experiences that raise this threshold, making customers want to stay with you for a long time.

Part of the customer journey 

As part of our aim to support the entire customer journey, we introduce a comprehensive solution for your customer service. It’s a dynamic collection of features, designed to transform your customer service department from a cost center to a profit center.

But above all, help you make your customers both satisfied and loyal.

The changing role of customer service 

The expectations of customer service have evolved at a rapid pace, to say the least! This is especially true for the increasing demand for self-service options.  

We believe that some of the driving forces behind this are: 

  1. Technological shift: With the rise of AI, many customer issues can be handled quickly, 24/7 and without resources from your side.
  2. Self-service: A must today, otherwise you risk losing especially Millennials and Gen Z (those born between 1981-2012).
  3. Omni-channel: You must offer multiple channels for communication, integrated with each other to give the customer a seamless experience regardless of channel, naturally. 
  4. Sales-driven service: There is an increasing focus of customer service going from being an expense to driving profit.

Being a customer of yours should be easy 

As mentioned above, your customers expect to be able to handle many of their issues themselves through digital self-service. They also want to communicate through multiple channels such as email, phone, social media, and chat. At the same time, studies show that a whopping 73% of customers actually prefer a company’s website for support over social media, SMS, and chat.* 

A solution for all needs

Our offering with AI solutions, communication tools, and a comprehensive platform for ticketing management allows you to give customers both the independence they desire and the support they need, when they need it.

So what is Lime Customer Service?

In short, it’s a three-part solution, where you can choose to have one, two, or all three parts. The three parts are called AI Self-service, Message Center, and Tickets, designed to handle different types of cases.

  • AI Self-service: Reduce the pressure on your support team by providing customers with answers through AI chatbots and automated self-service. Since we introduced AI Self-service for our Lime Go users, the chatbot now handles 70% of the questions.
  • Message Center: For quick questions that can be handled directly in a conversation, we offer “Message Center,” an omnichannel solution that increases your customers’ ability to contact you and get help.
  • Tickets: For more complex cases that require more involved parties and with a greater demand for SLAs and workflows, we’ve developed a flexible product on the Lime CRM platform. The perfect tool that supports you throughout the entire lifecycle of the case.

Creating customer heroes, for real

With this Customer Service solution, we strengthen our offering and position as the company that creates Customer Heroes. We want you to become the best option for your customers and provide them with the best customer experience throughout your customer journey.

The Customer Service solution does not only meet the needs you have today but also anticipates and adapts to the challenges of the future. Together, we can transform your customer service into a dynamic and profitable asset.

It’s time to make every customer interaction count.

* Customer statistics

Want to provide world class customer service?

Let’s talk about the best solution for you and your company.